How To Get A Six Pack: Lose 11 Pounds Of Fat In 5 Weeks

With summer approaching very quickly, many of you have begun to think how to transform your body and get those abs.

I am sure that there is no man or women who does not want to see in the reflection of the mirror something like on the picture bellow. Am i right, or am i right guys ?

 So is it really possible to lose your belly fat and build a six pack in just 5 weeks ?!

Yes, it is possible, i guarantee you that. But only under one condition, you must follow all the steps in our program without cheating.

Lets clear up one thing really quick. You will lose fat, and of course that stubborn belly fat that covers your six pack.

And if you think now 11 pounds is not that much, you must know that i am NOT talking about 11 pounds of body weight, i am talking about 11 pounds of fat in 5 weeks. And that is a lot of fat !

Calculate: 2,2 lb of fat = 7500 cal. So if you want to lose 11 lb in 5 weeks you must burn 7500 cal in 1 week, or 1100 cal in a day. That is a lot of calories to burn, but with a good training plan, proper diet it is achievable.

The best part of our program is that you can do all this exercises at home. Both man and women can follow this program, beginners and advanced, it all depends on the weights and difficulty level.

*Bellow you can see our complete program. We recommend to you to continue reading this article, but you can also skip to other parts of our program by clicking the links below.

  Our complete six pack program: 

#0 How to get a six pack - Lose 11 pounds fat in 5 weeks

#1 Six pack workout - high intensity cardio

#2 Six pack diet - guide and diet plan

#3 Six pack workout - abdominal muscles

But why do so many web pages, blogs, magazines, commercials on TV, talk about those damn six pack abs ?!

What is the truth about six pack abs ?!

Spoiler alarm guys ! Most of them use those ripped, sexy athletes to sell you something. I am not sure if there was one time when i googled about fitness, that i did not ran into some magic six pack formula or shortcut !

Lets face it. All the big names in the fitness industry pay good money to those bodybuilders and fitness models to promote their product or some sci-fi bullsh$% formulas.

The truth about six pack abs

Quote: "The scientist found this new secret formula that will rip your belly fat and build six pack in just one moth". Hahaha yes of course, that fitness model used to be 210 pounds fat-sack one moth before he used your "secret formula".

Or is he maybe training his whole life, and has been using some "vitamin S" ?! When i say vitamin S, i am actually talking about anabolic steroids. "Uuuuu, aaaaa steroiiiids, brrrr...nooo, don't say that, they are all natural" ! Of course they are all natural !! Natural my ass !!

Some wise guy once sad, "A picture is worth a thousand words". Actually that guy was Arthur Brisbane. Aaaa, did you see what i did there ?! You learned something new, besides how to build a six pack.

What ?! You are saying that i didn't teach you how to build a six pack ?! Aggggrrr (rage)... hehe just kidding, love you guys !!

Sorry for that guys, must be from test that i injected...oh, just joking ! Back to the topic. So what is the truth about six pack abs ?! My answer on the picture bellow:

The Truth About Six Pack Abs

What ?! You don't like the truth about six pack abs ?!

Lets get serious now guys. There are no shortcuts or "building abs" in one moth using some "magic pills".

It takes time and lot of dedication, lot of sweat and work. And that is why we are here, to guide you and help you.

We created for you a FREE high intensity cardio training, we call it six pack workout, and a complete diet to get that six pack, we call it six pack diet.

But let us go step by step !

Burn belly fat to get a six pack

Ok guys, this is the most important part when it comes to building abs, or lets say to reveal your abs !

Actually if you understand how to burn belly fat, or better to say lower your overall body fat percentage you will get abs, period !

Burn belly fat to get a six pack

Why do you need to burn belly fat ?!

You work so hard doing countless reps of crunches, leg raises, planks etc... but your six pack is nowhere to be found ?!

Considering how much you work on your ab muscles, you must be ripped by now ?! What happened ?!

  • your belly fat is hiding your ab muscles
Your belly fat is covering your six pack. It is fat tissue that covers your abdominal muscles. First you need to burn that stubborn belly fat and your six pack will magically appear.

  • there is no spot (local) fat burning
Many people think that by doing ab workouts they are burning fat from belly.

*fat is the biggest store of calories that you take with your food.

You must understand, that there is no such thing as spot (local) fat burning. Your body uses fat (calories) from all over your body.

And it just so happens that your belly is one of the hardest parts of your body to lose fat from !

How to burn belly fat and get a six pack ?!

Now we are getting to the point of how to burn belly fat, or better to say, how to get a six pack !

As i love to say when people ask me how to burn belly fat: "It is like a simple mathematical formula." Eat less (decrease your calories) and start to workout or train more intense.

So, two most important things are, the right workout and diet.

*If your stomach is flat, and your fat levels are low, and your abs are not showing, in that case you need to work on your ab muscles.

*Second scenario would be that your fat levels are not enough low for your abs to show.

#1 Six pack workout

This is the part where many people make huge mistakes, so please pay attention and read carefully.

Best way to burn belly fat (and overall body fat)

Think like this. When you are doing your ab workouts, your muscles burn calories. As i sad before calories are stored in fat deposits. When you burn calories, you burn fat.

*Calories are "fuel" for your muscles. Than more you use your muscles, more you burn calories and fat.

Ab muscles are a small muscle group, so therefor they use small amount of calories.

So logically if you use more and bigger muscle groups while training, you burn more calories (fat).

Best workout to burn belly fat (high intensity cardio)

As i sad before, to burn belly fat you need to use more muscle groups. Using more muscle groups means burning more calories. Burning more calories means burning more fat.

The point of that cardio training is to put out a maximum effort so it is pointless to do an interval lasting much longer than 2 minutes.

Your spacing should be short as well, giving you just enough recovery time to make it through the next interval.

Here you can watch an example:

Hope you understand now what is the best way to get those abs. So if you are ready you can star our Six pack workout, but we recommend to you first to read about the diet.

#2 Six pack diet

Everyone knows that dieting gives a lot of advantages to the body.

A diet can bring "stability" to your body, and most important it ensures the person of his health or well-being.

When it comes to building a six pack the diet is super important and hawing a good diet plan will bring you to your goal much,much faster !

Best way to burn belly fat (and overall body fat)

As i mentioned couple times before, to lose that fat, you need to burn calories.

When it comes to dieting your goal must be to reduce your calories. Less calories means less fat on your belly.

Best diet to lose belly fat (and overall body fat)

When most people go on a diet they follow low calorie diets. Their daily intake usually is about 700 - 1200 cal. Of course their will lose weight, but mostly muscle and not that much fat.

On low calorie diets our body stores even more fat, because fat is the number one energy source in our body.

Your body will slow down your metabolism and store more fat because you cal intake is low, you are starving your self and your body trays to survive and store as much as possible fat (energy) in fat tissue to survive upcoming days.

Yes, you must decrease your calorie intake, but gradually. Start with 15-20% less than daily required intake.

Here you have all the information how to burn belly fat and build that six pack, hope you enjoyed reading it.

You can start with our Six Pack Diet, explained to you in detail with a complete diet plan or you can jump to our Six Pack Workout.

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