Six Pack Diet: Lose 11 Pounds Of Fat In 5 Weeks

As they say, abs are made in the kitchen. The problem is many of us don't know what the recipe is.

We all know someone from gym who does tones of six pack workouts like crunches, leg raises, planks...cardio workouts, short rests between sets...but their six pack is not showing. 

As we explained in our article How To Get A Six Pack, you can workout all you want, but if your diet is not on point, you wont see results. 

Before you start with our diet plan we suggest to you to read our first article in this series How to get a six pack - Lose 11 pounds fat in 5 weeks where you will find step by step explained everything you need to know about our program.

  Our complete six pack program: 

#0 How to get a six pack - Lose 11 pounds fat in 5 weeks

#1 Six pack workout - high intensity cardio

#2 Six pack diet - guide and diet plan

#3 Six pack workout - abdominal muscles

Ok, hope you are ready, lets start with the hardest part when it comes to losing belly fat, and that is the diet.

When most people go on a diet they follow low calorie diets. Their daily intake usually is about 700 - 1200 cal. 

Of course their will lose weight, but mostly muscle and not that much fat.

Below you can find step by step explained how to track your calories and how to properly decries your calories.

 1. Calculate your TDEE (number of total calories you burn in a day)

First you need to know how many calories does your body burn in a day. In other words, calories you need to maintain your current weight - TDEE.

You can find many calculators on many webpages to calculate your TDEE and BMR, but we recommend to you to use this one:

TDEE / BMR Calculator

Just fill in your information and click on calculate and you should get your results like on the picture bellow. TDEE is the number you need.

2. Check out how many calories does your food have.

It is quite simple to read on the labels of the food how many calories they have or you can simply find the food you need and that we recommend later in our diet plan in this food table.

Food Calorie Table

3. Decrease your daily calorie intake

Low calorie days - TDEE minus 30%

This means following. The number you received for your TDEE subs-track 30%.

The number you get will be the number of calories you have to consume in your low calorie days, three days in row.

High calorie day - TDEE minus 10%

The number you received for your TDEE subs-track 10%. 

This are your calories for the fourth day.


Male, 30 years old, 180 cm (5 feet, 10.8 inches), 100 kg (220 lbs), moderately active, exercises 3x a week, has TDEE 3315.

On low calorie days (3 days in row) he will eat 30% less than his TDEE (3315), approximately 2300 cal.

On high calorie day (every forth day) he will eat 10% less than his TDEE (3315) approximately 3000 cal.

Diet plan to lose belly fat

Days with low calories:

Immediately after waking up green tea with lemon
7: 00h morning shake (mix - oatmeal, scoop protein, flax seeds, one glass water)
10: 00h apple + almonds or walnuts
13: 00h chicken or turkey breast with boiled potatoes or integrated rice and vegetables
16: 00h low fat cheese with rice cookies
17: 30h ordinary coffee or green tea without sugar
18: 00h training
19: 00h scoop protein with water + banana
20: 30h mackerel, anchovies or tuna salad

Days with high calories:

Immediately after waking up green tea with lemon
7: 00h integral toast and eggs (hard boiled)
10: 00h energy bar
13: 00h integral pasta with tuna
16: 00h peanut butter with whole-wheat bread
17: 30h ordinary coffee or green tea without sugar
18: 00h training
19: 00h scoop protein with water + banana
20: 30h fish of your choice and vegetables of your choice

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